Jogjakarta tidak dapat dipungkiri sangat banyak tempat wisata,
selain wisata budaya,sejarah,peninggalan purbakala,kuliner,belanja, wisata gunung Merapi
yang beberapa waktu lalu batuk-batuk/meletus.
Selain hal di atas
Jogjakarta juga mempunyai pantai yang sangat indah, seperti pantai Parang
Teritis, pantai Baron yang berombak besar dan yang terbaru pantai Indrayanti
yang sangat esoktis, pantai dengan bebatuan cadas dan pasir putihnya yang sangat
Pantai Indrayanti dapat
ditempuh dari Jogjakarta dengan kendaraan roda 2 maupun roda 4 sekitar 50
Menit kearah selatan menuju kabupaten
gunung Kidul tepatnya di desa Tepus,
Selama perjalanan kita disuguhi pemandangan pedesaan yang asri dan hijau karena
pohon jati yang dapat tumbuh subur meskipun tanahnya penuh bebatuan kapur,
sebuah perjalanan wisata yang tidak membosankan.
Untuk tarip masuk menuju
pantai cukup murah Rp 4000,-/orang sudah termasuk kendaraan. Untuk makanan
banyak dijual penduduk disekitar pantai dijamin anda tidak akan kesulitan untuk
Nah selamat berlibur, pantai
Indrayanti sangat cocok bagi anda yang suka dengan pantai.
Jogjakarta not be denied so many tourist attractions, in addition to cultural tourism, historical, archaeological heritage, culinary, shopping, tours of Mount Merapi.
In addition to the above Yogyakarta also has beautiful beaches, such as beach Parang eaves, Baron beach is great and the most recent choppy Indrayanti very esoxtis beach with rocks and stones are very beautiful white sand.
Indrayanti beach can be reached 50 minute from Yogyakarta by car 2 wheel 4-wheel towards the south to the mountain district in the village of South Tepus precisely, during the ride we were treated to a beautiful rural landscape and green because teak trees can flourish even if the soil full of limestone rocks, a trip that is not boring.
For rates go to the beach is quite cheap Rp 4000, -/person has included a vehicle. For foods sold many people around the beach is guaranteed you will not be difficult to get it.
Well congratulations on vacation, beach Indrayanti suitable people who like the beach.
Jogjakarta not be denied so many tourist attractions, in addition to cultural tourism, historical, archaeological heritage, culinary, shopping, tours of Mount Merapi.
In addition to the above Yogyakarta also has beautiful beaches, such as beach Parang eaves, Baron beach is great and the most recent choppy Indrayanti very esoxtis beach with rocks and stones are very beautiful white sand.
Indrayanti beach can be reached 50 minute from Yogyakarta by car 2 wheel 4-wheel towards the south to the mountain district in the village of South Tepus precisely, during the ride we were treated to a beautiful rural landscape and green because teak trees can flourish even if the soil full of limestone rocks, a trip that is not boring.
For rates go to the beach is quite cheap Rp 4000, -/person has included a vehicle. For foods sold many people around the beach is guaranteed you will not be difficult to get it.
Well congratulations on vacation, beach Indrayanti suitable people who like the beach.
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